The hybrid boiler is the solution to deal with excess energy for the electricity grid. Sustainably generated energy can be converted into usable steam or hot water directly in the boiler. This makes your gas bill lower, reduces your CO2 footprint, and the power company can even pay you for the electricity you generate.
The hybrid boiler is available in a single fire-tube and double fire-tube configuration and can convert up to 5 MW of excess electrical power into heat. Depending on the user’s system, it is possible to install hybrid boilers with higher power ratings.
The hybrid single fire-tube boiler with a fully water-cooled reversal chamber and burner transit can supply steam with a capacity of approx. 35 t/h with a pressure that can range from 0.5 to 40 barg. The configuration as a hybrid hot water boiler is available in capacities from 0.5 to 22 MW at feed water temperatures of up to 200 oC.
The hybrid double fire-tube boiler with a fully water-cooled internal reversal chamber and burner transit can supply steam with a capacity of up to approx. 70 t/h with a pressure that can range from 0.5 to 40 barg. The configuration as a hybrid hot water boiler is available in capacities from 0.5 to 44 MW at feed water temperatures of up to 200 oC.
It is possible to install an economiser to improve efficiency; it makes optimal use of the waste heat in the flue gases. This leads to significant efficiency gains and considerable (cost) savings on fuel, which also leads to reduced emissions.
Fire tube boilers can also be equipped with a superheater, allowing for a steam temperature of approx. 440 oC across a broad control range.
For service matters, please contact 24/7 and 365 days a year:
Phone: +31 77 7504000 / E-mail:
With specific questions, you can contact our experts at HKB boiler solutions:
Our experts
HKB boiler solutions
Ankerkade 6
5928 PL Venlo
Postal address:
HKB Ketelbouw BV
Postbus 3161
5902 RD Venlo
Phone +31 77 7504000